Parallel Lines, Colourful Shapes

Drawing activity suitable for all ages.

Haegue Yang

Woven Currents – Confluence of Parallels

Hague Yang

Haegue Yang, Woven Currents – Confluence of Parallels, 2020. Aluminum venetian blinds, powder-coated aluminum hanging structure, steel wire rope, LED tubes, cable, Dimensions Variable. Purchase, with funds from Eleanor and Francis Shen, the David Yuile and Mary Elizabeth Hodgson Fund, Women’s Art Initiative, the Janet and Michael Scott Fund, the Contemporary Circle Fund, the Ivey Foundation Contemporary Art Endowment Fund, funds from Sandra and Leo Del Zotto, the Jay Smith and Laura Rapp Fund and the Molly Gilmour Fund, 2020. © Courtesy the artist and Greene Naftali Gallery, New York. 2020/22.

Woven Currents – Confluence of Parallels is an amazing new installation at the AGO by contemporary artist Haegue Yang. It features overlapping sequences of blue, purple and white venetian blinds, hung and entangled as though they are constantly interacting with each other, creating a composition that appears both transparent and opaque, depending on your vantage point.


Do you see shapes in this image of the installation that echo the room and space it is in? How would you colour this scene to create a different feel, a new representation of volume and rhythm? What colours would you choose and why?



Measure out and draw a series of parallel lines across your sheet of paper. (Remember, a parallel series of lines will be an equal distance apart from beginning to end.) Next, rotate your page by 30 degrees or so – turn your paper slightly to the right or left. Now, draw another small set of parallel lines across your page (three to five lines). You should have some lines criss-crossing when you have finished. You will see shapes created from the crossing of lines.

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