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News! Sandra Meigs comes to the AGO this month

A woman in art studio

Image courtesy of Sandra Meigs.

A woman in art studio
Image courtesy of Sandra Meigs.

Ever wondered what a live brass band would sound like inside a large airy space like the AGO? No? Well we bet you’re wondering now.

Sandra Meigs, the Victoria-based recipient of the 2015 Gershon Iskowitz Prize at the AGO, returns to Toronto this fall with an immersive installation created specifically for the AGO titled Sandra Meigs: Room for Mystics (with Christopher Butterfield). Bringing together paintings, wall hangings, a sculptural mobile and a sound installation by composer Christopher Butterfield—and yes, a live brass trio—Room for Mystics opens at the AGO on October 19 and runs to January 14.

Coloured shapes on a canvas
Sandra Meigs, Room for Mystics, No. 1, 2016. Acrylic on canvas, 147.3 × 182.9 cm. Collection of Eric & Sally Murphy © Sandra Meigs

Curated by Adelina Vlas, the AGO’s Associate Curator of Contemporary Art, Sandra Meigs: Room for Mystics (with Christopher Butterfield) will be located on the 5th Floor of the AGO’s Contemporary Tower and consists of 30 large-scale paintings stationed throughout the gallery floor space, 13 fabric wall banners, a large mobile hung from the ceiling, a custom-designed sound system, and a recurrent 15-minute musical performance by the Vox Aeris brass trio that will travel through the Gallery starting at 11:30 am.

Meigs will give a free public talk on Wednesday, October 18 in the AGO’s Jackman Hall at 5:30 pm. This will be followed by a free public reception in Walker Court and the first performance by Vox Aeris.

Shapes with Script on a Canvas
Sandra Meigs, Room for Mystics, No. 13, 2016. Acrylic on canvas, 203.2 × 228.6 cm. Private Collection, courtesy of Winchester Galleries © Sandra Meigs

The Gershon Iskowitz Prize at the AGO is one of Canada's most prestigious and generous awards in the visual arts. The Prize is awarded to a Canadian artist whose work has made a significant contribution to the visual arts in Canada, as determined by a jury composed of a selection of Foundation trustees and invited artists and curators. The Prize is given annually, with the winning artist presenting an exhibition two years after the award. Next year, artist Rebecca Belmore will be the exhibiting Iskowitz Prizewinner.

Sandra Meigs: Room for Mystics (with Christopher Butterfield) will be a bright, jubilant and immersive environment where you can sit down and take a break from your busy day. Why not add a shot of whimsy to your everyday life? Just come on down and follow the brass trio.

Sandra’s exhibition is included in general admission and is free to AGO Members.

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