Please feel free to connect with us by submitting the form or browse the Phone Directory below for the most appropriate number or emailing
Telephone Directory
General Information (Mon-Fri 9 am – 5 pm, Sat 10 am – 3 pm or 24 hour recordings)
416 979 6648 or 1 877 225 4246
Membership Information (Mon-Fri 9 am – 5 pm, Sat 10 am – 3 pm)
416 979 6620
Tickets, Group Visits, Programs & Courses (Mon-Fri 9 am – 5 pm, Sat 10 am – 3 pm)
416 979 6608
Gallery Shop
416 979 6610
AGO Bistro
416 979 6688
Library & Archives
416 979 6642
Donations to the AGO
416 979 6619
Administration and Staff Directory
416 979 6660
Art Rental & Sales
416 979 6660 ext. 6346
Corporate Membership
416 979 6660 ext. 6292
Volunteer Recruitment
416 979 6660 ext. 6496
Image Resources
416 979 6660 ext. 6236