Roxanne Ross

Concordia University
Roxanne Ross was born in Montreal and is currently completing a BFA in photography at Concordia University. Her practice consists of large format photographs which focus on relationships within the contemporary North American family. Her portraits attempt to understand the relationships that comprise the modern family having now evolved from its original nuclear framework. Her interest lies in questioning what the contemporary structure has given way to, as well as in how those relationships (or lack thereof) have changed us. Through her images, she attempts to ask what and where is the North American family. She has participated in several group shows in Montreal, including exhibitions at ARTS NDG and Art Mûr. She was included in the long list for the BMO 1st Art Competition in Toronto. For her latest project, she received the Fine Arts Student Alliance, Special Project Grant, Fall 2014. She was featured in The Concordia Undergraduate Journal of Art History’s most recent volume. Her work is held in private collections in Canada and the Unites States.

Roxanne Ross, Lily, 2013, 30” x 40”

Aimia Photo Prize Scholarship Finalist Roxanne
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