João Ribas is Deputy Director and Senior Curator of the Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art in Porto, Portugal. He was previously Curator at the MIT List Visual Arts Center (2009–2013) and at The Drawing Center, New York (2007–2009). Ribas is the winner of four consecutive AICA Exhibition Awards (2008–11) and of an Emily Hall Tremaine Exhibition Award (2010). His recent projects include exhibitions of the work of Chris Marker, Nairy Baghramian, Akram Zaatari, Joachim Koester, The Otolith Group, Frances Stark, Stan VanderBeek, Manon de Boer, Unica Zürn, and Ree Morton. His writing has appeared in numerous publications and journals, including Artforum, ArtReview, Mousse, Afterall, The Exhibitionist, ARTnews, and Art in America. His most recent publication, In the Holocene (Sternberg, 2014), focuses on the notion of art as a speculative science.