Introduction to Archival Research

Introduction to Archival Research
Join the AGO’s archivists for an approachable workshop that will introduce participants to the basics of archival research.
Find out what’s in archival collections, how to start your research project, and what to expect from a visit to the archives. This workshop is open to all, including students, artists, independent researchers, and the archives-curious.
Participants can get advice about a current project, but no particular research focus is required. If possible, bring a laptop or a mobile device for searching our collections.
Al Stanton-Hagan is the AGO Archivist, where they collect, maintain, and provide access to the records of the Art Gallery of Ontario.
Amy Marshall Furness is the Rosamond Ivey Special Collections and Archivist and Head, Library & Archives at the AGO, where she leads the collection development and public programs of the E.P. Taylor Library & Archives.