Family Events

Family Day Weekend

Family Day hero 2025

All programs are included in General Admission and admission is always free for Indigenous Peoples, AGO Members, Annual Pass holders and visitors under ago 25.

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Family Events

Family Day Weekend

Friday, February 14 – Monday, February 17, 10:30 am – 4 pm
Art Gallery of Ontario

We’ve got everything you need for the ultimate Family Day weekend! Immerse yourself in a colourful blend of art, culture, and history—and create lasting memories together. With guided tours of The Culture: Hip Hop and Contemporary Art in the 21st Century, an all-day dance party, storytelling, artmaking, and more, this weekend will inspire and entertain the whole family. 

  • DJ OAKEVE all day dance party in Walker Court!

  • Trading Cards: Collect, trade and colour these unique cards featuring 10 original designs by local artist Rachel Joanis - all inspired by artworks in The Culture exhibition.

  • Storytime with children's author Nadia Hohn at 11 am in Galleria Italia.

  • Family-friendly guided tours of The Culture, led by AGO Art Educators, hourly from Walker Court.

  • Artmaking activities including Hands- On Center activities and Art Cart activities on the Concourse Level and in Walker Court.


Woman in black suit sitting and leaning on fist

Rachel Joanis is the artist and founder behind Rachel Joanis Illustrations, an online print shop based in Toronto. All artwork is created and designed by Rachel, who works as a freelance illustrator.

As a female artist, she understands the importance of representation, and the significance of seeing yourself reflected in art and media. The majority of her work focuses around women, and promoting different ethnicities and body types, to help further inclusivity and promote equal representation.


Man with headphones and DJ table

Cam Litchmore/ DJ OAKEVE is a creative marketing and communications professional with several years of experience in the arts, education, and community development fields. Cam co-hosts the Solidarity In Sound show  at ISO Radio with Roshanie where you can hear takes on gender & music (past, present, future), genre-fluid music selections, and interviews with the music industry's changemakers.


Nadia Khan standing with picture book open in front of book cover backdrop

Nadia Hohn, B.A. (Hon.), B.Ed., M.Ed., M.F.A. is an award-winning educator, artivist, and author of several books for children including A Likkle Miss Lou, The Antiracist Kitchen: 21 Stories (and Recipes) (Orca) in 2023 and the Malaika series.  Malaika’s Costume (2016)  was the 2021 TD Grade One Book Giveaway.  Nadia's books Getting Us to Grandma's release in 2024 and Patty Dreams in 2025.  Nadia teaches elementary school and writing for children courses at post-secondary institutions.

For requests for Verbal Description, American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and/or live captioning for online and onsite programming, please provide three weeks notice in advance of the event date. The AGO will make every effort to provide accommodation for requests made with less than three weeks notice. Please note that automated captioning is available for all online programs. For onsite visits, the AGO offers these supports for an accessible visit. Please contact us to make a request for these or other accessibility accommodations. Learn more about accessibility at the AGO.


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