Youth Events

Skillz Share: How to Juggle

photo of AGO Youth Council memeber Izzy Slone
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Youth Events

Skillz Share: How to Juggle

Wednesday, May 27, 2020 3 pm

Izzy Slone is a recent high school grad who loves visual art, fashion and making people smile. She joined the AGO Youth Council this past year and will be attending UofT in the fall. This week Izzy teaches us how to juggle!

Work by Daniel Rabel
Daniel Rabel.Grotesque Musician from the Ballet du Sérieux et du Grotesque, 1627. watercolour, pen and brown ink, over black chalk, with gold and silver highlights on laid paper, Overall: 30.7 x 20.9 cm. Purchased as a gift of the Trier-Fodor Foundation, 1986. © Art Gallery of Ontario 86/192


People have always used humour to deal with anxiety in difficult times. Daniel Rabel (1578 – 1637) was a French painter who lived in France during a time of war. Among his many skills, he designed sets and costumes for court ballet performances. Some of these ballets were more like the parades we know today and included jugglers, acrobats and magicians. They were intended to amuse and entertain often in a subversive and anti-authoritarian way. The figure he painted here is from a grotesque ballet – so-called because the comic figures often had grotesquely exaggerated features and bodies that mocked the fashion obsessions of the court.

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Youth Events
Wednesdays, April 16 – May 7, 4-5:30 pm
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