Art in the Spotlight: Quentin VerCetty
Join artist Quentin VerCetty and artistic producer and curator Umbereen Inayet for a convesation about his recent work.
Facebook Live Launch of AGO Makes: Inspired by Shunivai Ashoona
Join Gillian McIntyre and Melissa Pauw for the launch of a maker video inspired by the artwork of Shuvinai Ashoona's Composition (Cube).
Close Looking: the Three Magi
AGO curators Dr. Alexa Greist and Adam Levine study images of the Three Magi in our collection. In medieval and renaissance Europe, these three biblical kings were celebrated in the Christmas season and came to represent far-off lands and lavish gift giving.
Art in the Spotlight: Shellie Zhang
Join artist Shellie Zhang for a conversation with curator Renée van der Avoird about her recent work.
Colouring Card: Brian Jungen, Prototype for new understanding #6
Join Lesley Ashton, the Gallery School's Chief Technician, for the launch of our monthly colouring card. Using your choice of online paint tools or everyday colouring pencils, we invite you to a drawing session inspired by Brian Jungen's sculptural work.
Hot Takes: Kiera Boult & Alex Jacobs-Blum
Using close looking skills and visual vernacular, Hot Takes is an analysis of popular images in the media where we invite creatives, artists and thinkers to discuss an image to decipher and decode our current cultural and social moment. This week join artists Kiera Boult and Alex Jacobs-Blum in a conversation about a compelling contemporary image of their choosing.
Close Looking: Microscope Monday
Conservators use microscopes to improve their understanding of how artworks were made and the extent of any damages or deterioration that have occurred over time. Join Meaghan Monaghan, Conservator of Paintings, as she closely examines several paintings from the Indigenous and Canadian Collection under the microscope. This Close Looking talk accompanies the social media event #AskaConservatorDay on November 18th, 2020.