AGO Makes: Mobile Inspired by Haegue Yang
Haegue Yang, Woven Currents – Confluence of Parallels, 2020. Aluminum venetian blinds, powder-coated aluminum hanging structure, steel wire rope, LED tubes, cable, Dimensions Variable. Purchase, with funds from Eleanor and Francis Shen, the David Yuile and Mary Elizabeth Hodgson Fund, Women’s Art Initiative, the Janet and Michael Scott Fund, the Contemporary Circle Fund, the Ivey Foundation Contemporary Art Endowment Fund, funds from Sandra and Leo Del Zotto, the Jay Smith and Laura Rapp Fund and the Molly Gilmour Fund, 2020. © Courtesy the artist and Greene Naftali Gallery, New York. 2020/22.
AGO Makes: Mobile Inspired by Haegue Yang
#AGOMakes returns this winter online with a new series of digital artmaking adventures for all ages. Don’t miss the first AGO Makes video of 2021 where you'll see a new activity inspired by Haegue Yang’s installation Woven Currents – Confluence of Parallels (2020).
AGO artist-instructor Amanda Arcuri joins Gillian McIntyre, Interpretive Planner, who worked on the Haegue Yang exhibition in a conversation about the artwork and a simple make-at-home activity that it inspired.