Art in the Spotlight: jes sachse
jes sachse, To be Frank, 2017. Photo credit: Yuula Benivolski.
Art in the Spotlight: jes sachse
Join artist jes sachse in conversation about art, movement, architecture and access with AGO archivist Marilyn Nazar.
Access offerings for this program include closed captioning and ASL interpretation.
Presently living in Toronto/Tkaronto located on Treaty 13 territory, jes sachse is an artist, writer and choreographer who addresses the negotiations of bodies moving in public/private space and the work of their care. Often found marrying poetry with large scale sculptural forms, their work has been presented and supported by 7a*11d Performance Art Festival, Dancemakers, the Centre de Création et Recherche O Vertigo (Montréal), Musagetes (Guelph), Harbourfront Centre, among other centres. Their work has appeared in and been profiled by NOW Magazine, The Peak, Canadian Art, C Magazine, CV2 -The Canadian Journal of Poetry and Critical Writing, Mobilizing Metaphor: Art, Culture and Disability Activism in Canada, and the 40th Anniversary Edition of Our Bodies, Ourselves. Most recently, they are the 2020 recipient of the Toronto Arts Foundation Emerging Artist Award.
Marilyn Nazar worked as a practicing artist and arts administrator in Toronto. She returned to school to get her Master’s degree in Library & Information Studies (MLIS) at U of T, and worked as an archivist at U of T briefly before starting at AGO as Archivist in fall of 2011. While she works in Toronto/Tkaronto, Marilyn lives in Hamilton, Attiwonderonk (Neutral) and Treaty 3 territory.
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