Art in the Spotlight: Scorpion Dagger
Image courtesy of the artist
Art in the Spotlight: Scorpion Dagger
Join artist James Kerr for a conversation with AGO curator Adam Levine about his recent work, including the art-history inspired animated GIF project, Scorpion Dagger.
James Kerr is a digital artist based in Montreal who is best known for his animated GIF project Scorpion Dagger, in which he mixes cut outs from various paintings across art history to comment on our modern age and pop culture in general. James’ animations have been shown in art galleries throughout the world, and have also been commissioned by various clients, including The New York Times, Gucci, Fender and Adult Swim.
Prior to becoming Assistant Curator of European Art in 2020, Adam Harris Levine held various curatorial roles at the AGO and conducted extensive work with the Thomson Collection of European Art. He is currently finalizing his doctoral dissertation at Columbia University, where he has also taught extensively. Levine’s area of specialty is medieval and renaissance sculpture and decorative arts.
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