Close Looking: Faith and Fortune Creative Audio Description
Luisa Roldán. Head of St Paul, 1692-1706. Polychromed terracotta, 46 cm diameter
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Close Looking: Faith and Fortune Creative Audio Description
Close looking is an online discussion series that invites people to spend time with a single work from the AGO Collection - observing its details, discussing its creation, its history and the artist’s intention through multiple senses and perspectives. Connecting art, access and learning, it’s a series that clears a space for us to appreciate the role that artists play in revealing and even shaping the world in which we live.
Join Curatorial Assistant, Natalie Lam, as she shares an audio description of an artwork, one of the techniques used during our Multisensory Program to help remove barriers to our collections. You will hear and learn about creative audio description, a type of spoken language describing visual images or objects, which enables audiences to engage and pursue their own journey in relation to visual art. We will explore the Head of St Paul by Luisa Roldán, an artwork that will be on view in the Faith and Fortune: Art Across the Global Spanish Empire exhibition.