Special Events

It Can Be Anything

Illustrations around the text reading "Rachel draws the World"
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Special Events

It Can Be Anything

Friday, June 11, 4PM
It Can Be Anything
It Can Be Anything World Premiere

It Can Be Anything is a short film about Rachel Doucettes creative journey. Rachel is 28-years old and loves to draw. Her work explores a unique and vast creative landscape. More importantly, her open-mindedness and inclusivity are both beautiful and inspiring. While she has a hard time communicating verbally, her art has a way of connecting with people. The short film represents her outlook and uses the phrase "It Can Be Anything" as a mantra to steer us through her journey.

individual wearing a purple T-shirt, holding a drawing to the camera

Rachel Doucette has an intellectual disability. She has a beautiful outlook on life and, with the help of this film, can share that perspective with the rest of the world.

Marsha Doucette is an executive producer and the big sister to Rachel. Marsha comes from a non-profit background and has always had a unique outlook on creative initiatives. Her goal is to create content for good whenever possible. She has worked with many intellectually disabled people in the past and is passionate to bring this film to life to help others share their creativity and to make their voices heard. This project brings more than just a smile to her face.

Ryan Bergmann is a filmmaker and the little brother to Chris. Chris has an intellectual disability and is constantly an inspiration for Ryan. With a background in documentary filmmaking, Ryan strives to get to the heart of every story. It has always been a dream to produce content that touches on the relationship he has with his brother. That, or what it is like to know someone with an intellectual disability in general. It Can Be Anything is the first step in making these incredible relationships accessible and enjoyable to a larger audience. Ryan has had a blast getting to know Rachel and working with her to create the story of this film.

Good Form is a design and animation studio founded by Jullian Ablaza and Dylan Carquez. With a love of all things design, storytelling and technology, Good Form aims to tell compelling stories that cut through the media landscape.
‘It Can Be Anything’ was a powerful experience to be a part of and Good Form was absolutely thrilled to bring Rachel’s drawings to life. Her dedication to her art and her imagination are incredibly inspiring and the team will forever be grateful to have been a part of this amazing project.

Live sessions will contain automated closed captions.

Closed captioning is available in this recording.

If you require further assistance, please email us at [email protected]

It Can Be Anything from Immediate Group on Vimeo.


Presented by AGO, produced by Immediate Group; animated by Good Form; and supported by Special Olympics Ontario and the Harry E. Foster Charitable Foundation.

Logo Special Olympics Ontario
Logo reading Immediate



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