Jinny Yu and Shohini Ghose in conversation
Jinny Yu. Inextricably Ours 23-08, 2023. Oil on aluminum, 152.4 × 139.7 cm. Courtesy of the artist. © Jinny Yu. Photo: Rémi Thériault
This event was on September 14, 2024. Please enjoy the video of the program.
Jinny Yu and Shohini Ghose in conversation
Join artist Jinny Yu, curator and professor of art history Ming Tiampo, and quantum physicist Shohini Ghose in a conversation about relativity, perception, and how the work of an artist and a scientist can overlap. Moderated by Georgiana Uhlyarik, Fredrik S. Eaton Curator of Canadian Art, AGO.
Presented in conjunction with Jinny Yu: at once, on view now on Level 2 of the AGO, in the J.S. McLean Centre for Indigenous + Canadian Art in the Irving & Sylvia Ungerman and Jennings Young galleries (galleries 230 and 231).
The event also marks the launch of a bilingual 120-page monographic catalogue on Yu’s work, featuring essays by Patrick Flores, Ming Tiampo and Uhlyarik, and a foreword by Marie-Eve Beaupré, available for purchase at shopAGO.
Born in Seoul, South Korea, in 1976, Jinny Yu’s previous work has been shown widely, including exhibitions in Canada, Germany, Japan, Italy, Portugal, South Korea, UK and USA. She was an artist in residence at La Napoule Art Foundation in France, BoxoPROJECTS in Joshua Tree, the KIAC in Dawson City, ISCP in New York, Seoul Museum of Art Nanji Studios, and at the Banff Centre for the Arts among others. Yu, Professor of painting at the University of Ottawa, was awarded the Mid-Career Artist Award by Ottawa Arts Council in 2013; Laura Ciruls Painting Award from Ontario Arts Foundation in 2012; and was a finalist for the Pulse Prize New York in 2011 and 2014. Her exhibition Don’t They Ever Stop Migrating? was presented as part of the 56th Venice Biennale (2015).
Shohini Ghose is a professor of physics and computer science at Wilfrid Laurier University, the founder and director of the Laurier Centre for Women in Science (WinS) and the NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering. The author of Her Space, Her Time: How Trailblazing Women Scientists Decoded the Hidden Universe, she is the recipient of several awards, including a TED Senior Fellowship and selection to the College of the Royal Society of Canada; her TED Talk on quantum computing has drawn 4.9 millions views.
Ming Tiampo is Professor of Art History, and co-director of the Centre for Transnational Cultural Analysis at Carleton University. Tiampo’s major projects include Gutai: Decentering Modernism (University of Chicago Press, 2011); Gutai: Splendid Playground, co-curated at the Guggenheim Museum in New York (2013); and Jin-me Yoon (Art Canada Institute, 2022). Her current book Transversal Modernism/s: The Slade School of Fine Art, reimagines transcultural intersections through global microhistory. Tiampo is co-principal investigator of Worlding Public Cultures.