Virtual School Programs
Art anywhere, at school or at home. In this unprecedented time, School Programs at the AGO are here for you to inspire, imagine and create! Join us for a new live art education program, happening daily, Monday to Friday via Zoom.
While we are not able to see you in person, we are excited to welcome you virtually. These programs are free of charge to you. Beginning Oct. 13, we invite students at home or in school to join us daily, Monday to Friday, for a live conversation with an AGO Art Educator. Understanding the distinct needs of various grade levels, three versions of each conversation are offered daily - one tailored specifically for students in JK to Grade 3, one for Grades 4 to 8 and another for Grades 9 to 12. These conversations are linked to the Ontario Curriculum. Each program is 30 minutes, and has an element of wellness and art woven into the session, as well as a small creative exercise, so please have pencils, pens or crayons and paper at the ready. We hope you will join us often!
View the School Programs Schedule and register for these free live programs.
School and Teacher Programs
School and Teacher Programs
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Generously supported by