Art Rental & Sales Past Exhibitions

Joanna Johnston, Please. Meet me here.

Joanna Johnston

July 24 – September 23

This series explores the possibilities of double exposure to express the relationship between the monumental street and tiny moments of the intangible that decorate them. We can form the city in our minds with volume and geometry as a guide to understand and position ourselves. But it is only together with the intangible, that ever changing street poetry that can really give meaning to place. Double exposure is a technique using only the camera to create a painterly expression causing one to question where one image finishes and the other begins. In this wondering, there is something new, something to discover, something to feel. Dense in sensation and discovery, not always easy to understand, this is the city.

Lissa Bockrath, Fracture, oil on canvas

Lissa Bockrath

April 24 – July 22, 2018


Lissa Bockrath’s newest series of works, her first created in Canada, are large scale abstract paintings, oil on panel and canvas. Bockrath describes these works as “historical urban decay” and “a stream of consciousness”, suggesting to their raw physicality and directness with relation to environmental change, impact of humanity and regeneration after natural disaster.

Several pieces from the panel series have been subjected to multiple processes of adding and removing layers of paint to reveal its corporeality: regeneration, regrowth and release to something new. Her paintings are lyrical assemblages of motifs, shifted and re-shaped into abstract gestures. Through reduction and repetition Bockrath imbues these abstracts with fragility and sensuality.

Bockrath references personal memories to the ‘rust belt nation’ in Cleveland, Ohio where she grew up, in compositions characterized by deep perspectives, surreal cityscapes and soft, ethereal tones. Her panel works subtly explore and reference classical painting; JMW Turner’s The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons of particular influence. There is articulation of temporality, light and space, fading and dispersing; encouraging the viewer to examine further. These physically scaled abstracts reveal both a relation to humanity and growth as individuals as well as ecological rebirth after geological natural disaster.

Lissa Bockrath lives and works in Toronto, Ontario. She was born just outside of Cleveland, OH, USA. Recent solo and group exhibitions include Kenneth Paul Lesko Gallery solo exhibition 2016, Cleveland Ohio, SCA gallery solo exhibition 2015, Solon Ohio, Moen Mason Gallery, Group show 2015, Tucson, Arizona, Las Laguna Art Gallery, Women in Art, 2015, Laguna Beach, California, Zanesville Museum of Art, 70th Annual Exhibition 2014, Zanesville, Ohio, Butler Museum of Art, 78th National Midyear Show 2014, Youngstown, Ohio, University Hospital’s Humphrey Atrium Gallery Solo Exhibition 2013, Cleveland Ohio, Wooltex Gallery ‘Dissolving Nature,’ solo exhibition 2007, Cleveland, Ohio, Unison Gallery ‘Smaller than a Foot’ New Paltz, 2001, New York, Olga Dollar Gallery ‘Landscape, Cityscape,’ 2000, San Francisco, CA, and Trias Gallery ‘Group Show,’ 1999 Toronto, Canada. Lissa Bockrath’s work can be found in public and private collections worldwide.

Lissa Bockrath, Fracture, oil on canvas, 48”x48”. Image ©Lissa Bockrath

Camille Jodoin-Eng, Maze

Camille Jodoin-Eng

February 27 – April 22, 2018

Camille Jodoin-Eng is a visual artist born and based in Toronto. She creates optic instruments from industrial materials that explore the interplay of physical and psychological space.

‘The idea behind Maze is that it is an aerial view of an imagined city, and you can imagine following the little paths and going up the stairs into different levels. The composition is based on city architecture, which is utilitarian and gritty. I like the look of the cords and hardware because it reminds me of city infrastructure and a reminder of the power grid that the city depends on for energy and connectedness.’

Creating illusions of impossible dimensions and perspectives, Jodoin-Eng presents bodies of work from both her Athenaeum and Plaza series for her first exhibition with AGO Art Rental and Sales.

Camille Jodoin-Eng, Maze, neon, LED, acrylic and plexi, 36”x24”x10”, $6000. Image ©ArtWorks consulting
Artwork courtesy AGO Art Rental and Sales and ArtWorks Consulting.

Callen Schaub, Gateway

Callen Schaub

October 2, 2017 – January 22, 2018

Currently on view at AGOBistro social space, through AGO Art Rental and Sales. Artwork courtesy of Project Gallery and ArtWorks Consulting.

Callen Schaub is an abstract artist working with paint, natural forces, and machines in an innovative way to produce bold and thought-provoking contemporary artworks. With a growing performative practice, Schaub often creates his paintings live at notable events and venues such as the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Nathan Phillips Square during Nuit Blanche, the Field Trip Music and Arts Festival at Fort York, Honest Ed’s, and Soho House. Schaub has worked with various galleries across Canada including Galerie Youn in Montreal, Winsor Gallery in Vancouver, as well as Project Gallery, OnlyOneGallery, and the Black Cat Gallery in Toronto. Schaub graduated from OCAD University in 2012.

Taking inspiration from positivity expressed online, and responding artistically to the experience of being trolled, these works from Schaub’s latest exhibition Energy illustrate the emotional impact of words, and encourage audiences to use words as a tool of empowerment. Callen is best known for his inventive painting techniques using spin machines, swinging troughs, and pendulums in live performances.

Schaub lives and works in Toronto, Ontario.

Callen Schaub, Gateway, acrylic on canvas

Sarah Letovsky, Panama Breeze

Sarah Letovsky

April 17, 2017 – September 25, 2017

This series of paintings, a continuation from her first solo exhibition GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS; Sarah Letovsky focuses on the expressive nature of paint to explore ideas of subjectivity, tension, and hidden thought and feeling. Letovsky uses the painting process to create a force of opposites; her brushstrokes are at once gestural and deliberate, spontaneous and confined, bringing the figure forward with an empathetic gaze and pushing it back into abstraction with explosive colour, flat space, and restrained texture.

Sarah Letovsky (b. 1987, Toronto ON) finished her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drawing and Painting at OCAD University in 2014. She was the recipient of the 2014 Mrs. W.O. Forsyth Award for Excellence in Painting. In addition to AGO Art Rental and Sales Gallery, Letovsky’s work has been exhibited at Art Toronto, Project Gallery, Only One Gallery, Hashtag Gallery, and featured in FASHION Magazine. Her work has been auctioned at Art With Heart for Casey House Toronto as well as the ArtsEffect Auction as selected by Jamie Angell.

Sarah Letovsky, Panama Breeze, oil on canvas, 30 x 36 in, 2016. Image courtesy of Art Works Consulting and AGO AR&S.

Zan Rococo, DPOP

Zan Rococo

April 18, 2016 – August 15, 2016

AGO Art Rental & Sales proudly presents the work of Zan Rococo in FRANK Restaurant's Art Social viewing lounge. Rococo is an artist's artist. Never one to give away too much about her pieces, she seeks to make the viewer the subject of her work by putting them in the position to interpret and decipher her symbols and semiotics. Even her titles are obscure, challenging the viewer to put their own experiences and histories into the story.

She is influenced by everything around her as well as by art historically significant artists such as Richard Serra and Jean-Michel Basquiat. In Serra, she finds his philosophical approach to art especially intriguing and takes his ideas towards sculpture and sets them onto canvas. She also looks to Basquiat when using various reoccurring symbols in her work and incorporates his free-graffiti style.

Rococo uses a variety of mediums and tools in her pieces, including layered and sanded latex paint which creates a smooth finish, erasing any hint of canvas beneath. As a means of integrating graffiti-style into her work she even uses tagging markers which leave a unique finish and colour. Her experimental methods don't stop here, she also uses trowels and traditional Chinese calligraphy ink throughout her work.

The artist sees painting as being a flat surface and takes on the challenge of creating a physical effect on the viewer. She forces a reaction out of them based on what they see by simultaneously inviting the viewer in and pushing them backwards using a unique process of thin repetitive layering and detailed architectural lines.

This latest body of works is truly a sight to behold. Rococo pushes boundaries both stylistically and physically with her large-scale work. These pieces come to life in front of the viewer and engage those around them.

Zan Rococo, DPOP, Sanded latex, ink, oil bar, spray paint, 96" x 72"

Roland Hagenberg, Basquiat smoking

Basquiat Unguarded

An exhibition of rare, candid photographs of Jean-Michel Basquiat taken by Roland Hagenberg

Wednesday, February 25 - Thursday, May 7, 2015
Frank Restaurant, Art Gallery of Ontario

AGO Art Rental & Sales presents the exclusive North-American release of Roland Hagenberg’s 1983 series of photographs capturing the legendary Jean-Michel Basquiat in his Crosby Street studio.

These raw, early photographs show the artist at his most candid and breathe the creative energy of New York in the 80’s.

Roland Hagenberg’s series has appeared in numerous magazines worldwide, as well as in catalogues for institutions such as the Musee d’Art Moderne, Paris.

This is the first time that these iconic images are on view and available for purchase in North America.

Roland Hagenberg, Basquiat smoking, New York, 1983 Photograph Limited edition of 6

John Bladen Bentley, Carta Blanca, 2012.

Amor a la Mexicana

November 2 – November 19, 2012
AGO Art Rental + Sales Gallery, at 481 University Avenue

Fall under the spell of Mexico's culture through an exhibition of contemporary work from artists who find inspiration in this country’s art, history and landscape. Artists include Maria Luisa de Villa, John Bladen Bentley, Reva Brooks and Vincenzo Pietropaolo. Amor a la Mexicana (Mexican-style love) refers to the deep love of the artistic heritage of Mexico, and for the country itself, that these artists embody. Visit the AGO Art Rental + Sales Gallery to experience the warmth of this exhibition and consider adding something unusual to your art collection.

John Bladen Bentley, Carta Blanca, 2012. Edition 4/5. Colour carbon transfer print, 32x25". $5,000 for purchase/$200 rental per month. Consignor: Beckett Fine Art

Alex Livingston, Focus

Impulse & Momentum

July 30 – November 1, 2012
AGO Art Rental + Sales Gallery, in the Norma Ridley Members' Lounge

This selection of artwork from Canadian artists Dan Brault, Kristiina Lahde, Alex Livingston, Steve Rockwell, and Derek Wong offers a fresh perspective on the idea of abstraction.

Using the abstract impulse as a starting point, these works collectively embody the spirit of reinvention, repurposing and revitalization.

Curated by Nancy Campbell, Associate Curator, Special Projects, with assistance of Meaghan Eldridge, Curatorial Intern, Canadian Art, this is the third in a series of rotating exhibitions featuring works from the Art Rental + Sales Gallery.

Exhibiting artists include:

  • Dan Brault
  • Kristiina Lahde
  • Alex Livingston
  • Steve Rockwell
  • Derek Wong

Alex Livingston Focus Chromira print on dibond 48x66" Purchase price: $ 5,800 Rental price: $ 232/month LIVI03

Tamara Paterson, Black Wood

Season Creep

May 17th to June 14th, 2012
Opening Reception: Thursday, May 17th, 5 – 7 PM
AGO Art Rental + Sales Gallery, 481 University Ave.

The oddly sounding Season Creep refers to the noted shifts in the timing of seasons. Particularly, the term is used when describing an early spring, suggesting that the warm weather, green grass and blossoming flowers creep up slightly each year. This May, The AR+SG will present an exhibit of paintings and photographs that were selected in considering the meaning of the term Season Creep, which at once connotes the welcoming early warm weather and the negative environmental impact of such changes. Expect to see acid green colour palettes, rainy text-based photographs, and works representing death and rebirth with beautiful, unusual and, at times, playful results.

Exhibiting artists include:

  • Tamara Bahry Paterson
  • Nicholas and Sheila Pye
  • Brendan George Ko
  • Fausta Facciponte
  • V. Tony Hauser
  • Leigh Bridges

Tamara Paterson Black Wood Fujiflex print; 1/10 47.5 in $3,000 $120 rental per month #PATE01

Larsen, Caroline, Moho Beach

MERGE an annual exhibition of emerging artists

March 8th to April 13th 2012
Opening Reception: Thursday, March 8,
6 – 8 pm
artists in attendance
AGO Art Rental + Sales Gallery, 481 University Ave.

An annual exhibition featuring gallery represented and independent artists, this show presents some brilliant young talent in the field of visual arts in the Toronto area.

Artist include:

  • Andrew B. Myers
  • Nathalie Thibault
  • Derek Wong
  • Caroline Larsen
  • TEK
  • Steve Driscoll
  • Morgan Criger

Larsen, Caroline. Moho Beach, 2011 Oil on canvas, on board 40 x 50 inches $3500 $140 rental/month Consignor: Angell Gallery LARS02

Photo of Jeanne Beker

The Collector's Series with Fashion Icon, Jeanne Beker

November 29th – December 16th 2011
Opening Reception: Tuesday, November 29, 2011
6 – 9 pm
AGO Art Rental + Sales Gallery, 481 University Ave.

Host of CTV's FashionTelevision, five-time published author, and fashion editor, Jeanne Beker offers a rare glimpse of her personal art collection as part of the annual AR+SG Collector's Series. Internationally celebrated for her influential work in fashion and journalism, Beker will include artworks collected from abroad and in Canada from these and other artists:

  • Toller Cranston
  • Marion Perlet
  • Andre Rau
  • Frederick Watson
  • John Massey
  • David LaChapelle
Monica Tap, Summer Stage

Summer Group Exhibition

A rotation exhibition of new work in the gallery. Until August 31, 2011

Monica Tap, Summer Stage, 2007-2009 oil on canvas 36 X 48 inches $260 rental/month, $6,500.00 purchase

Adam Makarenko, Passing on a Curve

Passing on a Curve: AR+SG in the Members' Lounge

February – August, 2011
Art Rental + Sales Gallery in the Norma Ridley Members’ Lounge in the Grange Historic House at the Art Gallery of Ontario.

Curated by Elizabeth Smith, Executive Director, Curatorial Affairs, this is the first of a series of rotating exhibitions featuring contemporary Canadian artwork from the Art Rental + Sales Gallery and selected by AGO curators.

Adam Makarenko, Passing on a Curve, 2009 Edition of 1/10 Chromogenic Print 32x24 in. #7659

David Trautrimas, Fragment Accumulator

Modus Operandi

May 4 - June 3, 2011
Art Rental + Sales Gallery

Opening Reception: Wed, May 4, 5-8 pm

Modus Operandi presents four Canadian photographers using distinctly different processes within the medium. Showcasing traditional film and darkroom printing, digital capture and manipulation, pinhole camera photography and experimental production techniques, Modus Operandi looks forward and back through the wide lens of contemporary photography.

David Trautrimas, Fragment Accumulator, Ed. of 10 Digital print 30 x 20" $1700 $68 rental/month Consignor: LE Gallery #7738

Alex McLeod, Tree Signal on Fire


March 25 - April 21, 2011
Opening Reception: Friday, March 25, 5 – 8 pm
AGO Art Rental + Sales Gallery, 481 University Ave.

Alex McLeod, Tree Signal on Fire, 2009 C-print 24x36 in. $1,200 $48 rental per month #7633

Paralleling the Permanent Collection: Contemporary Art by Inuit and First Nations Artists

September 22 – November 4 2011
Opening Reception: Thursday, September 22, 6 – 9 pm
AGO Art Rental + Sales Gallery, 481 University Ave.

  • Annie Pootoogook
  • Bob Boyer
  • Carl Beam
  • Rick Rivet
  • Angus Trudeau
  • Saul Williams
  • Alex Janvier
  • Jim Logan
  • Daphne Odjig
  • Henry Isluanik
  • Ningeokuluk Teevee
  • Ningeosiak Ashoona
  • Victoria Mamnuguqsualuk
  • Vince Bomberry
  • Bewabon Shilling
  • Jeff Thomas
  • Tim Pitsiulak
  • Kakulu Saggiaktek
  • Kenojuak Ashevak
  • Pudlo Pudlat
  • Willy Skye
  • Bud Henry
  • Shaun Hedican
  • Etulu Etidloie
  • Pavinak Petaulassie
  • Palaya Qiatsuq
  • Irene Avaalaqiaq


AGO Art Rental and Sales in business at Art Toronto

October 28 – November 1, 2010
ART TORONTO 2010: The 11th Toronto International Art Fair, Metro Toronto Convention Centre

We are pleased to announce that for the first time AGO Art Rental and Sales will be open for business at ART TORONTO. Look for a wide representation of independent Canadian contemporary artists works available for sales on site. Look for us at the Art Gallery of Ontario Booth.

Paralleling the Permanent Collection

September 24 – October 22, 2010
Opening Reception: Friday, September 24, 5 – 8 pm
AGO Art Rental + Sales Gallery, 481 University Ave.


An eye-opening new series of exhibitions that reveals how you can own art by the same artists whose works grace the walls of the Art Gallery of Ontario. Starting with the Contemporary Collection, AR+SG illustrates how the Canadian art icons are not unattainable.

A conversation with AGO insiders about how the Contemporary Collection came to be.

Collector’s Series – the happy mediums

Guest-Curated by Kevin Hearn of the Barenaked Ladies

June 11 to 30, 2010
AGO Art Rental + Sales Gallery, 481 University Ave.

The debut of an exciting new series of guest-curated exhibitions by notable personalities passionate about the arts.

Musician, artist and devoted art collector, Kevin Hearn showcases works available by AR+SG that speak to his collecting interests. With original artwork by Leonard Cohen, Marcel Dzama, Pudlo Pudlat, Lou Reed and Martin Tielli of the Rheostatics, plus Hearn's own whimsical drawings, this not-to-be-missed exhibition offers an intimate look at one of Canada's leading talents.

CONTACT Photography Festival: 'A World Abandoned'

May 3 - 31, 2010
Opening Reception: Thursday May 6th, 6 – 9 pm
AGO Art Rental + Sales Gallery, 481 University Ave.

The DK Photo Group presents A World Abandoned; a photographic exploration of European architectural decay and abandonment. Photographed while filming a television series for Bravo!Canada titled photoXplorers, the images presented provide a haunting look into forgotten industrial mega-structures, castles, institutions, and churches. The resulting photographs are beautiful, original and eerily alive, though their subject matters are long dead.

See also: Saturday ArtSpeak Series: A World Abandoned

'Merge' Annual Emerging Artist Series

March 19 – April 17, 2010
Opening Reception: Friday March 19th, 6 – 9 pm
AGO Art Rental and Sales

With 30 volunteers active in all areas of Toronto’s visual arts community, AGO Art Rental and Sales is the first to know of the latest, hot new artists on the scene. Many of Toronto’s established artists got their break at AGO Art Rental and Sales.

See also: Saturday ArtSpeak Series: Merge

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