Drawing Explorations: Comics and Visual Narrative
This course explores the visual language found in sequential art, and the historical and contemporary role of comics, graphic novels, and zines. Throughout this course, students will learn tools and strategies for generating comic content and engaging visual narrative, as well as hands-on opportunities to create independent and collaborative self-published DIY comic zines in class! This is a great course for first-time comic makers, folks who grew up reading comics in the Sunday papers, or seasoned zine-makers who are looking for community collaboration! This class is modelled after "comic jams" (a collaborative comic making process) and offers a community orientated art-making experience.
This course is suitable for both beginners and returning students.
Please meet in Seminar Room 3 located in the Weston Family Learning Centre for the start of the first class.
Terms and Conditions of Participation
Please review the Terms and Conditions prior to the start of class.
Participants must be 18 or older.