Meet Toronto’s Photo Laureate

Michèle Pearson Clarke is Toronto’s Photo Laureate for 2019-2022; find out how she’s using her platform to promote visual arts and inspire change in the city.

The Queen of Magic

Adelaide Herrmann is one the most famous magicians you’ve never heard of – until now. But how did the Queen of Magic earn her crown?

The view from “Toronto’s living room”

Inside the AGO, 70 feet above Dundas St. West, Galleria Italia’s unique blend of wood and glass invites visitors to see themselves at home.

Chef Renée’s Minestrone Soup

Chef Renée shares her recipe for minestrone soup, the one-pot way to say I’m thinking of you.

Art in the time of COVID

AGO's Anne Tanenbaum Gallery School Art Educator Doris Purchase discusses the role of the AGO and artists during times of crisis and creates some engaging and contemplative artworks in response.

Covid Cats

AGO's Anne Tanenbaum Gallery School studio instructor Janine Lindgren reflects on how pets have become a great solace to many during this time. Spending time with her own “pandemic pets” - her “covid cats” - Janine observes them more than ever and creates lino cut prints of them enjoying their days.

A primordial culture

In this surreal photo-essay, Toronto artist Rajni Perera responds to both the current and the ancient.

A “Freeman of Color”

Associate curator of modern art Kenneth Brummel pays homage to Robert Duncanson, a pioneering African-American artist whose work is represented by three paintings in the AGO Collection.

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