Peterkin Family (Theresa Bywater Peterkin) Album
Object Name
Object Type
mid-late 19th century
album: 36 pages; 56 cartes-de-visite and 16 cabinet cards, albumen and collodion prints; 3 tintypes
Credit Line
Gift of Mary F. Williamson, 2009
Object Number
Not currently on display but Available for viewing on Wednesdays from 1-4:30 in the Prints and Drawings Study Centre
Album: 27 x 21 x 6.2 cm (10 5/8 x 8 1/4 x 2 7/16 in.)
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Page 3 of the Peterkin Family (Theresa Bywater Peterkin) Album, contains 4 photographs
Various Artists
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Unknown sitters [portrait of a seated woman and standing man, with his right hand on woman's left s...
W. Johnson
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Page 4 of the Peterkin Family (Theresa Bywater Peterkin) Album, contains 4 photographs
Various Artists
mid-late 19th century

Unknown sitter [portrait of seated infant on upholstered chair left to a standing girl]
James Chapman
mid-late 19th century

Mable Howarth Peterkin (1877-1951) [first cousin of Theresa Bywater Peterkin]
Thomas E. Perkins

Page 6 of the Peterkin Family (Theresa Bywater Peterkin) Album, contains 3 photographs
Various Artists
mid-late 19th century

Unknown sitter [portrait of a girl standing next to upholstered bench]
H. G. Cole
Cole's Studio

Charles Robert Peterkin (1841-1932) [father of Theresa Bywater Peterkin]
S.J. Dixon Photo Galleries

Page 11 of the Peterkin Family (Theresa Bywater Peterkin) Album, contains 4 photographs
Various Artists
mid-late 19th century

James Frederick Peterkin (1837-1920) [uncle of Theresa Bywater Peterkin]
Fenner & McConkey

Page 12 of the Peterkin Family (Theresa Bywater Peterkin) Album, contains 4 photographs
Various Artists
mid-late 19th century

Unknown sitter [portrait of a standing woman holding on to an upholstered chair]
mid-late 19th century

Unknown sitter [portrait of a seated man with his right hand on side table]
mid-late 19th century

Page 13 of the Peterkin Family (Theresa Bywater Peterkin) Album, contains 2 photographs
Various Artists
mid-late 19th century

Charles Robert Peterkin (1841-1932) [father of Theresa Bywater Peterkin]
Fenner & McConkey

Page 14 of the Peterkin Family (Theresa Bywater Peterkin) Album, contains 4 photographs
Various Artists
mid-late 19th century

Page15 of the Peterkin Family (Theresa Bywater Peterkin) Album, contains 4 photographs
Various Artists
mid-late 19th century

Page 16 of the Peterkin Family (Theresa Bywater Peterkin) Album, contains 4 photographs
Various Artists
mid-late 19th century

Elizabeth Binns (? – 1909) [step-grandmother of Theresa Bywater Peterkin]
William O'Connor

Theresa Bywater (1845-1909) and her friend [mother of Theresa Bywater Peterkin]
James Penrose
1866-(?) 1870

Page 17 of the Peterkin Family (Theresa Bywater Peterkin) Album, contains 3 photographs
Various Artists
mid-late 19th century

Page 18 of the Peterkin Family (Theresa Bywater Peterkin) Album, contains 3 photographs
Various Artists
mid-late 19th century

Clara Bywater (1849-1933) and her friend [aunt of Theresa Bywater Peterkin]
Robert Carswell

Charles Robert Peterkin (1841-1932) [father of Theresa Bywater Peterkin]
S.J. Dixon Photo Galleries

Page 26 of the Peterkin Family (Theresa Bywater Peterkin) Album, contains 3 photographs
Various Artists
mid-late 19th century

Charles Robert Jr. Peterkin (1872-1972) [brother of Theresa Bywater Peterkin]
The Studio of J. B. Cook

Stuart Settle Peterkin (1869-1886) and James Ernset Peterkin Jr. (1874-1960) [brothers of Theresa By...
The Studio of J. B. Cook

Page 27 of the Peterkin Family (Theresa Bywater Peterkin) Album, contains 4 photographs
Various Artists
mid-late 19th century

Unknown sitters [portrait of a standing woman and a seated man on upholstered chair]
S.J. Dixon Photo Galleries

Page 28 of the Peterkin Family (Theresa Bywater Peterkin) Album, contains 4 photographs
Various Artists
mid-late 19th century

Alfred Cornelius Hurrell (1853-?) [uncle of Theresa Bywater Peterkin]
Asher's Opposition Gallery

Page 30 of the Peterkin Family (Theresa Bywater Peterkin) Album, contains 3 photographs
Various Artists
mid-late 19th century

James Frederick Peterkin (1837-1920) [uncle of Theresa Bywater Peterkin]
Ewing & Co. Studio

Unknown sitters [portrait of standing man and a seated man with hat on lap]
Thomas E. Perkins
1879-c. 1890