AGO Live: Toronto Symphony Orchestra

Image courtesy of Jag Gundu
Please note these performances are currently postponed due to current COVID-19 guidelines.
AGO Live: Toronto Symphony Orchestra
This program is part of the partner series, AGO Live: Hello From The Other Side where we welcome partners from across the city to use the AGO as a site for their programs in an effort to revitalize the arts in our city.
Recognizing the powerful impact that music has in enriching and inspiring lives, especially during challenging times, the Toronto Symphony Orchestra has been resolute in finding ways to perform despite the circumstances. As an alternative to its previously scheduled performances at Roy Thomson Hall, TSO musicians will spend the coming year performing in smaller ensembles and connecting with audiences throughout the GTA. Join the TSO on select Fridays in October and on a monthly basis after that. You will encounter them in Walker Court, adding a sonic dimension to your experience of visual art as an expression of our shared commitment to revitalizing the arts together.
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