Bernini and Clay: Lessons from an exhibition

Bernini and Clay: Lessons from an exhibition
Please join us for the keynote talk of Material Bernini, a symposium organized by the University of Toronto. C.D. Dickerson is Curator of European Art, Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas. He is co-curator of Bernini: Sculpting in Clay, an exhibition organized by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and the Kimbell Art Museum. The exhibition assembles for the first time small clay models, as well as chalk or pen sketches alongside three small-scale bronzes and a marble group. Through connoisseurship and a comprehensive campaign of scientific examination, the selection of models addresses the issue of what separates the hand of the master from the production of his large workshop.
The Material Bernini symposium continues Saturday December 1 at the John H. Daniel’s Faculty of Architecture, University of Toronto, 230 College Street.