Daniel Olson (Canadian, born 1955), still from Sleeping Giant, 2003, digital video with sound. Courtesy of Robert Birch Gallery, Toronto and Galerie Christiane Chassay, Montreal. © 2004 Daniel Olson
In Light: Daniel Olson
To make Sleeping Giant, 2003, Daniel Olson placed an operating video camera on his chest and went to sleep. The steady frame of the camera is gradually disturbed by the swells of the artist's breathing as he drops into heavy slumber. Sputtering snores and distant activity resound over the room's white-noise hum. The reverberation, large-scale projection and odd perspective deepen the sensation of space and transform the theatre into an enchanting lair.
The Art Gallery of Ontario is proud to highlight the importance of video art. Beginning April 6, 2002 and running until April 4, 2004, an exhibition series entitled In Light will present video installations by eight contemporary artists. This two-year series features recent video works by Canadian and international artists who were selected for their unique approaches to the medium and its elaboration of themes identified with their individual practices.
The AGO's commitment to video has been seen through previous exhibitions, such as Video Primer and Ecstatic Memory. The AGO has made a priority of presenting ongoing video exhibitions and introducing visitors to this ever-evolving art form.
Based on technologies that have only existed since the mid-1960s, video art does not have the lengthy genealogy that informs our understanding of more traditional artistic media. With large-scale video projections, however, the artists in In Light make strong connections to the pictorial traditions of fine art, with added dimensions of movement, luminosity and acoustic space. Video is an experiential medium that unfolds as you watch. Each artist in the In Light series will use continuous DVD projection to present a single work that will be on view for a 12-week duration.
Euan Macdonald: April 6 to June 30, 2002
Louise Noguchi: July 6 to September 29, 2002
Mark Wallinger: October 5, 2002 to January 5, 2003
Seth Price: January 11 to April 6, 2003
Darren Almond: April 9 to July 6, 2003
Francis Alys: July 12 to October 5, 2003
Stacey Lancaster: October 11, 2003 to January 4, 2004
Daniel Olson: January 10 to April 4, 2004
Organized by the Art Gallery of Ontario
Contemporary programming at the Art Gallery of Ontario is supported by The Canada Council for the Arts through the Assistance to Art Museums and Public Galleries program.