Special Events

Drag Bingo

headshots of drag queens Carlotta Carlisle and Bella Bimbo

Images of Carlotta Carlisle and Bella Bimbo courtesy of Messy Productions

Tickets are not currently available.
Special Events

Drag Bingo

Friday June 14, 7 - 8:30 pm
Walker Court, Art Gallery of Ontario

Celebrate Pride month with an evening of Drag Bingo in Walker Court, co-hosted by incredible Toronto queens Carlotta Carlisle and Bella Bimbo. Like regular bingo but better, Drag Bingo will feature four rounds of bingo, drag performances, fantastic prizes and more!

For more years than is any of your concern Carlotta Carlisle has been Toronto's most glamorous creature in captivity! With a sharp tongue and an east coast sense of humour she will have you rolling in the aisles!

Bimbo by name, bimbo by nature. Bella Bimbo is your stupidly stunning diva and a TMZ story come alive. What she lacks in common sense she makes for in wiggling her body in compelling ways. She is the Marilyn Monroe and Anna Nicole Smith love child and your new obsession. If you want to have a pretty stupid time come kiki with Bella Bimbo.

The artists appear courtesy of Messy Productions.

This event is free with general admission. Seating is limited, first come first served.

For requests for Verbal Description, American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and/or live captioning for online and onsite programming, please provide three weeks notice in advance of the event date. The AGO will make every effort to provide accommodation for requests made with less than three weeks notice. Please note that automated captioning is available for all online programs. For onsite visits, the AGO offers these supports for an accessible visit. Please contact us to make a request for these or other accessibility accommodations. Learn more about accessibility at the AGO.


Special Events
Every first Wednesday of the month (except July and August)
Special Events
Saturday, April 5, 10:30 am
Special Events
Wednesday, March 26 - Friday, March 28, 2025
Special Events
Friday, March 28, 2025
Special Events
Saturday, April 5 - Sunday, April 6, 2025
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