IMAGE CREDITS1. Haegue Yang, Woven Currents – Confluence of Parallels, 2020. Aluminum venetian blinds, powder-coated aluminum hanging structure, steel wire rope, LED tubes, cable. Dimensions variable. Purchase, with funds from Eleanor and Francis Shen, the David Yuile and Mary Elizabeth Hodgson Fund, Women’s Art Initiative, the Janet and Michael Scott Fund, the Contemporary Circle Fund, the Richard Ivey Foundation Contemporary Art Fund, Sandra and Leo Del Zotto, the Jay Smith and Laura Rapp Fund, and the Molly Gilmour Fund, 2020. 2020/22. Artwork © Haegue Yang, Photo © Art Gallery of Ontario.
2. Sandra Brewster. Blur 18, 2017. Photo-based gel transfer on archival paper, Overall: 101.6 × 88.9 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Georgia Scherman Projects. © Sandra Brewster
3. Desmond Cole, Image courtesy of AGO.
4. Ness Lee, We Have Together, 2020.
5. How to Talk About Anti-Black Racism, Image courtesy of AGO.
6. John Wentworth Russell. A Life of Devotion to Hospital and Red Cross Work, 1918, oil on canvas, 159.5 x 88.9 cm, Art Gallery of Ontario, Gift of the Canadian National Exhibition Association, 1965
7. Brendan Fernandes, The Left Space, 2020.
8. Moridja Kitenge Banza, Christ Pantocrator No 13, 2020 acrylic and gold leaf on wood 40 x 30 cm. Art Gallery of Ontario, Purchase, with assistance from the Christian Claude Fund. Photo courtesy of Galerie Hugues Charbonneau.
10. Miestorm Serpent, I Got the Feeling, February 23, 1978. Courtesy of the artist. © Miestorm Serpent.